Moving and relocating to a new home is exciting, but it can also quickly become stressful and overwhelming once you begin packing away everything you own. As you prepare for an upcoming move, knowing how to sell your stuff before you depart is a way to generate money to help cover the expenses involved in moving and relocating altogether. Whether you are planning to move in a month or within the next week, there are a few ways to sell personal belongings and household items when you are in a pinch.
1. Host a Garage/Yard Sale
One of the most popular methods of selling items fast is to host a garage or yard sale. Hosting a garage sale is a great way to drive traffic to your home just before leaving it for your new home or apartment.
A garage sale is also a great way to sell more than you originally intended to, especially if you need extra cash or if you prefer to move as little of your belongings as possible. Spend time bargaining with buyers and showing off the items you have available to sell everything from vases and collectibles to couch pillows and crafting supplies.
2. Check Local Pawn Shops
Checking a local pawn shop is another way to quickly sell items you no longer want or need before moving and relocating to a new home. While you may not always receive the price you are looking to get, a pawn shop is one solution that is optimal if you are in a crunch for time.
3. Use Local Selling Applications
Use local selling applications that are currently available near you. One of the most well-known selling apps available for both iOS and Android phones includes LetGo. Using a neighborhood selling app is a way to unload excess furniture, clothing quickly, and household decor, you do not intend to take with you once you begin the process of moving. Be sure to research and review various selling apps that are currently trending in your neighborhood. Read reviews and testimonials to determine which application is most reliable and most authentic before choosing a selling app that is right for you.
It is also possible to sell items via services such as eBay, Etsy, and Amazon if you have the time to do so before moving.
4. Join Social Media Groups
If you have access to social media platforms such as Facebook, consider joining a local selling group in your city or local neighborhood. Selling pages within Facebook marketplace not only provide you with access to hundreds of listings available near you, but it is also possible to list your very own item(s) once you are approved as a new group member.
You can also use your personal social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and even Snapchat to promote the type of items you are selling and to gain traction on any online listings you are promoting.
When you are familiar with various selling tools and resources, unload furniture, clothing, decor, and even vehicles you no longer need or want to use once you have settled into your new home. With access to various applications, pawnshops, and local resources along with a knack for communicating with buyers, sell as much of your belongings as possible with minimal hassle.